Manage Projects

imputation-bot helps you to manage projects consisting of multiple jobs. By defining projects, all jobs of a project can be listed at once as well as downloading results with a single command. All projects are stored locally in ~/.imputationbot/imputationbot.projects.

List Projects

All projects can be listed with the projects command:

imputationbot projects

Multiple GWAS data

Submit job for study 1 and create project "my-consortia":

imputationbot impute --files /path/to/study_1.vcf.gz --refpanel 1000g-phase-3-v5 --population eur --name study1 --project my-consortia

Job-Name: my-consortia_study1_1000g-phase-3-v5

Submit job for study 2 and add it to project "my-consortia":

imputationbot impute --files /path/to/study_2.vcf.gz --refpanel 1000g-phase-3-v5 --population eur --name study2 --project my-consortia

Job-Name: my-consortia_study2_1000g-phase-3-v5

Check all studies that are part of this project:

imputationbot jobs my-consortia

Download all results of jobs that are part of this project:

imputationbot download my-consortia

Remove Project

imputationbot remove-project my-consortia